Microsoft Releases Its New Edge Browser For Windows And Macos

The new version replaces the proprietary Edge browser that originally came with Windows 10. That version did not gain much traction among the Windows 10 community even though the company made the old version available on iOS and Android. The New Microsoft Edge for Windows and Mac The new Microsoft Edge is built on top of the Open Source Chromium project, and it works a lot like Google Chrome. However, Microsoft has put its own twist on the browser....

December 18, 2022 · 2 min · 306 words · Martin Roberson

Microsoft Releases September Patch Tuesday Updates

Windows 10 September Patch Tuesday This update will cover all three current versions of Windows 10 and will bump your build to 19043.1237, 19042.1237, and 19041.1237 repectively. Here are the highlighted fixes with this update: Addresses an issue that causes PowerShell to create an infinite number of child directories. This issue occurs when you use the PowerShell Move-Item command to move a directory to one of its children. As a result, the volume fills up and the system stops responding....

December 18, 2022 · 3 min · 466 words · Lula Bohnen

Microsoft Releases Windows 11 Build 22000 71 To Insiders

Windows 11 Preview Build 22000.71 Today’s release has a few new interesting new features like a new entertainment widget. According to the blog post: The entertainment widget allows you to see new and featured movie titles available in the Microsoft Store. Selecting a movie will direct you to the Microsoft Store to see more information about that title. Just open widgets and click or tap on the “Add widgets” button and choose the entertainment widget....

December 18, 2022 · 7 min · 1357 words · Jeffrey Hollin

Save Money And Program Your Own Car Clicker Replacement

Find Generic Remote Car Entry Dongle The first thing to do is use some Google-Fu to look up if your car model can work with a generic remote. This usually just involves a search like “can my use a universal fob, clicker, remote?” Now once you have your clicker, the work begins. To program the clicker, you’ll need to get in the car and put the key in the ignition. The following parts need to be done rather quickly for the programming to work....

December 18, 2022 · 1 min · 133 words · Terry Hanson

Setup A Virtual Machine With Windows 10 Hyper V

Create a VM Using Windows 10 Hyper-V Let’s take a look at setting up a Virtual Machine using the built-in Hyper-V technology. The benefits include the ability to run multiple operating systems at the same time as long as you have enough hardware resources. Personally, I decided to do this because I need to do some compatibility testing. Hyper-V is also an excellent way to try and test apps before using them in your primary production environment....

December 18, 2022 · 7 min · 1375 words · Eric Gilbert

Stream Itunes Music Library To Windows Media Center

Stream iTunes to WMC If you use iTunes to manage your music, there isn’t an obvious way to share your collection with Windows Media Center. Here’s how to stream your iTunes music library to Windows Media Center (WMC). First, open iTunes and right-click on any song in your library. Select Show in Windows Explorer. This brings you to the location of your iTunes music folder. Copy the path, so you remember where it’s located....

December 18, 2022 · 2 min · 261 words · Hector Starns

The Best New And Notable Features In Windows 10 Version 1903

New Light Theme One of the most visual new features you will find is a new “Light Theme” that gives Windows a clean and, well, light look and feel. However, turning on the new theme isn’t exactly where you’d think it is. To enable it, head to Settings > Personalization > Colors and choose “Light” from the dropdown menu under the “Choose your color” option. Windows Sandbox Sandbox is basically a lightweight version of a Virtual Machine (VM)....

December 18, 2022 · 3 min · 582 words · Marjorie Estrada

Use Dropbox More Effectively With These 10 Tips Tricks

After all, “I’ll Google Drive you the file” doesn’t exactly have the same ring to it, does it? Aside from the basics of using Dropbox (which has already been endlessly rehashed), what other things can you do to maximize your use out of the service? That’s today’s topic in groovyPost tech class. Use Dropbox More Effectively With These 10 Tips & Tricks OK, students, take notes. Control What Is Synced Using “Selective Sync” If you have many files inside the web version of your Dropbox account, you may not want all of it cluttering up your computer....

December 18, 2022 · 7 min · 1299 words · Steven Deleon

What Is A Gui And What Does It Do For You

GUI History Long-time Windows users might think the transition from text-based systems to GUI occurred when Windows 95 replaced Windows 3.1. Though this was an essential milestone in GUI adoption, you have to go back to 1963, when the first graphic computer-aided design program was introduced. With Ivan Sutherland’s Sketchpad program, users could create and manipulate objects in engineering drawings using a light pen. Sketchpad was followed by Stanford’s On-Line System (NLS) later that decade....

December 18, 2022 · 5 min · 894 words · Virginia Knox

What Mobile Phone And Options Should I Buy For Children

Is a Phone a Necessity? The human race got to the 21st century without children having phones. Kids got lost in a mall or got lonely at camp, and they survived. I don’t mean to make light of these real problems, but it does need some perspective. Not every child needs a phone, no matter how much they protest. Each parent has their opinion, but I think most parents get their child a phone for three reasons: A dumbphone is the smarter choice if your goal is primarily emergency contact or general connection....

December 18, 2022 · 7 min · 1439 words · Robert Rymer

What Trello Is Why You Should Use It To Manage Your Time

Trello is beloved by those obsessed with managing their time and projects, and it is easy to see why. Not only is Trello cheap and affordable and extremely simple to use. Using a highly visual approach to time and project management, you can move cards around so you can see at a glance what needs to be done and when. A Closer Look At Trello Trello has been described by some as “Post-it notes on steroids....

December 18, 2022 · 6 min · 1223 words · Delbert Keene

Whatsmybrowser Is A Simple Way To Explain Web Browsers To Anyone

Explain a Web Version Browser to Anyone When you visit it will detect which browser you are running and which version. It will then display this information in a small box and then list other browser options. It’s quite refreshing to see an unbiased explanation when you consider Google owns and operates the site. If you continue scrolling down, the page begins with a short and simple explanation of what a web browser is....

December 18, 2022 · 2 min · 216 words · Charles Brown

Windows 10 Tip Delete Your Search History From Cortana

Original 2015 Article… Microsoft is deeply integrating its virtual assistant, Cortana, into Windows 10. This gives you a customized experience by tracking your calendar appointments, typing patterns, flights, search terms, and similar items. But if you’re concerned about privacy and the amount of information that you’re giving to Microsoft, via Cortana, you can turn the feature off, and erase the collected content. Windows 10 Cortana Privacy On a tablet or PC running Windows 10, head to Settings > Privacy and select Speech, inking & typing from the left column....

December 18, 2022 · 2 min · 313 words · Gary Finseth

Windows 8 Disable Required Password When Waking Computer From Sleep

Windows 8 goes into Sleep mode after several minutes of inactivity. You can move the mouse or hit a key to wake it up, but it makes you log in each time. While this provides an extra layer of security in an office setting, it can be annoying for a single user. Disable Required Password when Waking Windows 8 from Sleep From the desktop or Start screen, use the keyboard shortcut WinKey + W to bring up Settings search and type: power in the search field....

December 18, 2022 · 1 min · 173 words · Angela Pendleton

10 Best Deep Search Engines To Explore The Invisible Web

What Is the Invisible Web? The web is like an onion. There are many layers, almost like the Earth. The top “surface” level of that large “internet” planet is all the sites that search engines crawl and index. These are what you typically find in normal search results. However, there are deeper layers of the web, accessible through sites other than normal search engines. Deep Web: Databases and programs users need to interact with to pull content and other information from underlying databases....

December 17, 2022 · 6 min · 1209 words · Joseph Hall

10 Interesting Useful Skype Tips Hacks You May Not Know

Skype is not a bad app, but it has definitely undergone some changes, for better or worse, since Microsoft took it over. Still, for keeping in general touch with family, friends, and business colleagues, Skype is one of the good ones. 10 Skype Tips & Hacks In all of my years of using Skype (and I have been using it right from the start), here are the Skype tips and hacks I have found most useful....

December 17, 2022 · 7 min · 1294 words · Katie Sodomka

A Real World Back To School Checklist For College Bound Computers

Mac or PC? Doesn’t matter these days.Laptop or desktop. Laptop, it’s portable and not much more expensive.How much RAM, what kind of CPU? Doesn’t matter, anything off the shelf will have more than enough power to handle academic tasks.What about netbooks? Cheap, portable, but with no optical drive. But there’s always the computer lab when you need it.Should I buy a printer? Sure, they are only like $50. But campuses always offer cheap student printing....

December 17, 2022 · 7 min · 1346 words · Debra Patterson

Access Kindle Fire Hidden Caps Lock Key

Caps Lock Fire HD Tablet Open a document or email on your Kindle Fire. Then to access the Caps Lock key, double tap on the Up Arrow (Shift) key. It will turn orange indicating you’re in Caps Mode. To get back to lower case, tap the Shift key again. No products found. Comment Name * Email * Δ Save my name and email and send me emails as new comments are made to this post....

December 17, 2022 · 1 min · 75 words · Kenneth Barber

Amazon Announces New Kindle Readers With 199 Kindle Fire Color

Now here’s where things get interesting. Watch this space — we’ll list out specs and special deals shortly. These prices are going to be the game changer. -Steve ( Jordan, Jordan, groovyPost This is much easier to get into a kids hands just in time for the holiday season. -Steve, Comment Name * Email * Δ Save my name and email and send me emails as new comments are made to this post....

December 17, 2022 · 1 min · 75 words · Mark Johnson

Apple S Tim Cook Says Mac Will Be Made In Us Foxconn Expands Us Operations

In an interview for NBC (a fragment of which you can watch below), Cook says that the company would start making one of its Mac lines in the US starting next year. This could mean quite a bit of outsourcing from companies in the US. The interesting thing is that Foxconn, one of Apple’s main suppliers, is also set to expand its operations in the USA too. If you remember, Foxconn had some serious complaints about the way it was treating its employees, and Apple sent the Fair Labor Association to inspect the company’s plants in China....

December 17, 2022 · 2 min · 229 words · Kenneth Hancock